Thursday, February 01, 2007

So This is What Causes a Heart Attack?!

Yesterday when I took Baxter outside he was acting strange; by that I mean his head was swaying from side to side and I thought well, maybe he's cold (which I really didn't think that was the case because it has been a lot colder outside than it was yesterday and when he's cold his body shivers NOT his head, but I didn't know what else it could be). So he goes potty and afterwards his head is still swaying (not violently kinda like if you're listening to music and you kinda sway your head from side to side) and I get him to chase me...then I'm walking ahead of him saying "come on Baxter", but I feel that he's not coming and I hear him whine. So I turn around and go to him and his front legs are paralyzed in the bent position with his claws out (like he was gripping for something) on his side in the grass and his head is still swaying. So now I know he must be having a seizure!

So I pick him up and run to the house and tell Kenny there's something wrong with Baxter. Kenny is saying his name to see if he could get a reaction from him but Baxter's eyes were glazed over, not blinking and he was just staring straight ahead. Anyways, so we leave to take him to the Doctor and Hank (the little pup) runs out the door. So Kenny puts Baxter in the car and we're both chasing Hank and of course we're both pissed because we don't have time for this shit!! So I tell Kenny to just go and I was able to lure Hank in the house with a treat...little fucker! OMG I was freaking out and I'm pretty sure I was hyperventilating. I called the Vet to let them know he was on his way and I'm sure I sounded like a mad woman trying to talk to her because I was completely out of breath :oP Kenny pulled up a few minutes later and said Baxter was now fine and acting normal.

But we still made him an appt. and took him up to the Vet later on to see what was up. His Dr. said he may have epilepsy and that it's common among small dogs. She drew some blood and ran some tests to check his oxygen levels and whatever else. So she wrote him a prescription and if he has another seizure before a month's time we're suppose to give him this chewable tablet. She also detected a small murmur but she said she would check his heart again when we do a follow up. So I hope he doesn't have another seizure!! We both felt so bad for of course he's getting some extra loving ;o) Anyway, I will leave you with these photos of me and my beloved Baxter. That last pic was disgusting (I think I puked a little in my mouth when that happened) but I sure would miss those kisses if anything ever happened to him!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Handsome Dog

This is a sketch I drew of my handsome son, Baxter. This is probably one of my favorite sketches that I've done so far. I'm pretty proud of it...of course I know that someone else could do it better, but just knowing that I did my best is enough satisfaction for me. Anyway, I hope you like it. You can click it for a larger view ;o)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just Some Things

Fuckin' rednecks, dude! We live in a small town in East Texas and I can't wait 'til my husband graduates so I can be back in Dallas!! And believe me we take a trip to Dallas every chance we get. This is a college town and the largest store they have is a Wal-Mart; there is also a strip mall but it only has 3 dept. stores and it totally sucks! Okay, I'm through with that rant, now back to fuckin' rednecks! On our way to Dallas to celebrate New Year's we passed this person's pasture and I had to take a picture. The 2nd pic. is from me zooming in on the 1st pic. to get a closer view, but it's a little blurry. You can click on the pic for a larger view.

If you were unable to read the sign below it it says, "Christmas Stump $200.00"!! Now why the hell would I want to buy a stump?! Where the hell am I gonna put it? In the yard? Near my trees? So instead I can decorate my own damn stump or I'll just decorate my own damn tree! By the looks of it I can spend 20 bucks tops! I'll keep my 200 dollars, thanks.

Speaking of trees we pass this one on our route to Dallas every time. I just think it's creepy looking. The way the two bottom branches come out and then up. And the house behind it is really old and looks like it's about to fall down (though you can't really tell from this pic.) which I think adds to the creepiness. Anyway, maybe it's just me but it gives me the creeps...I would totally be scared if it was after dark. I picture an owl sitting on the branch of the tree and bats flying out the windows. But that's just me being a retard... ;o)