Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just Some Things

Fuckin' rednecks, dude! We live in a small town in East Texas and I can't wait 'til my husband graduates so I can be back in Dallas!! And believe me we take a trip to Dallas every chance we get. This is a college town and the largest store they have is a Wal-Mart; there is also a strip mall but it only has 3 dept. stores and it totally sucks! Okay, I'm through with that rant, now back to fuckin' rednecks! On our way to Dallas to celebrate New Year's we passed this person's pasture and I had to take a picture. The 2nd pic. is from me zooming in on the 1st pic. to get a closer view, but it's a little blurry. You can click on the pic for a larger view.

If you were unable to read the sign below it it says, "Christmas Stump $200.00"!! Now why the hell would I want to buy a stump?! Where the hell am I gonna put it? In the yard? Near my trees? So instead I can decorate my own damn stump or I'll just decorate my own damn tree! By the looks of it I can spend 20 bucks tops! I'll keep my 200 dollars, thanks.

Speaking of trees we pass this one on our route to Dallas every time. I just think it's creepy looking. The way the two bottom branches come out and then up. And the house behind it is really old and looks like it's about to fall down (though you can't really tell from this pic.) which I think adds to the creepiness. Anyway, maybe it's just me but it gives me the creeps...I would totally be scared if it was after dark. I picture an owl sitting on the branch of the tree and bats flying out the windows. But that's just me being a retard... ;o)

1 comment:

Michael said...

$200 for a stump!? Doesn't a whole tree cost like $50? Why would anyone spend quadruple for a stump? :)